How to Breed Canary Birds

How to Breed Canary Birds
Breeding birds Breeding pets is a hobby Many people love to breed different kinds of animals: chicken, pigeons, ducks, rabbits, and others. Others love raising pets even if indoors, such as cats, dogs, and other animals. Many of us like to raise and care for birds because of the great fun and wonderful entertainment.

Many love canary breeding, Canary is a bird belonging to the Canary Islands, Azores and Madeira. Canary birds are wild birds, green and yellowish, with some brown spots in the rear, with some differences in canary colours. Many love raising canary birds for their beautiful voices; Vanna and chirping are like singing the birds of Sirin and Zebra.

The choice of the bird is preferable if the breeder starts to choose the ordinary canary, and at first departs from the expensive European species; because they need special attention more than the normal type, the breeder must have experience in it, and then he can diversify more in the canary breeding Which he loves to acquire

To know the best Canary birds, the good Canary bird has bright shiny eyes, moves in the cage a lot, it is a bird with a loud voice, its wing and tail are complete, there are no feathers falling from its cage, feathers are clean, toes are free of protrusions The meat.

Place of Canary Mode Care should be taken to place canary birds in a quiet and high place out of the reach of children and other animals such as cats and dogs, and that the temperature of the room moderate not cold and warm, and the lighting is good and balanced not high and not very low, In the room where the bird is placed, be away from cigarettes and smells of eating or other strong odours.

It is also necessary to cut the nails of the Canaries when they reach an unusual length, because they hinder the process of mating, destroying the nest, or even breaking eggs.

For heat, the Canary birds came from a warm country, so this characteristic must be preserved for the survival of this bird. Moving from a cold, warm zone to the opposite may cause pressure to lead to his death. Therefore, the temperature change should gradually be at least 15 ° C, not more than 25 °, and excess heat may cause death to the bird.

A well-fed canary that has more fat has a greater ability to withstand cold, but increasing its fat in a temperate zone may cause the disease. Direct sunlight, especially in the summer, may cause sunstroke and unexplained brain haemorrhage or may cause death. So if the cage is placed outside it should be placed in a region away from direct sunlight.

Lighting Some scientists believe lighting is more important than heat for kanar because it plays an important role in the biological and sexual activity of the kanar. If lighting continues day and night, the bird will weaken it and lead to disorder in its vital system, especially in the female. Therefore, the Canary Breeder must put the bird in a dark room during the night, remove any artificial illumination from it, and not disturb it.

He often sleeps on the bars of the cage and sometimes on the floor. The female's head is placed in the feathers on her back during sleep, confined to her warm breath inside the feathers, and also helps to conceal the light from the eyes of the canary without discomfort.

Canary mating when breeding Canaries are not required to mate together so that they can live as long as possible, and you can enjoy the sounds of birds and seductive and comfortable without thinking about it. When buying canary birds, it is preferable to first raise the canary bird first, and after the habit of its existence can buy another canary bird female. And not every female accepts marriage from any male no matter how powerful; because her taste plays an important role in choosing the right husband, especially when the number of males.

The amount of food eaten by the mother while carrying eggs plays a very important role in the size of the bird, its nutrition, and its consumption of food in the future. Through a study at the University of Cambridge, the mother sends hormonal messages to the egg to tell her about her expected life conditions and the amount of food available to her. 

Canary food and drink As for feeding Canary birds, it is better to provide the grain moderately and full of key elements and vitamins, but the excessive feeding may harm them. Canary can also be fed a few hard-boiled eggs, as well as green vegetables such as lettuce, watercress, beans and apples. Birds can also eat bread crumbs.

The stages of Canary's life In his annual life, Canary passes through four different stages: the stage of Kalash, then the resting stage, then the stage of preparation, and then the stage of mating. The mating season begins with the Canaries in early spring and ends at the end. The first and most important condition in the stage of mating that the educator should have is patience and not rushing to see the results. At this point, the breeder is asked to provide the appropriate environment for mating, where the cage should be placed in an isolated place, well ventilated with little sunlight, preferably in which there are some fans in the hot areas.

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