How To Make Love Birds Mate

love birds

Because of its bright colours, it is one of the most preferred birds to be bought and raised in homes as pets. It has been named by the love birds as the strong relationship between its spouses. Two birds of this kind meet. Together, they will stand together well, so that they are isolated from their surroundings, and do not mix with any other birds or beings. In contrast, these birds are prepared - if left alone - to form a strong and close bond with their owner.

Types of love birds

Birds of love are a common name for nine species of parrot, originally living in the northern regions of Africa and around the islands, but were imported in very large numbers to the United States and other countries at the end of the 20th century. ; As good pets. Birds of love are the second smallest species of parrots and come in very different categories, each with its own colour, which ranges from green, cream, cinnamon, and so on. Birds of love are very active, tend to play and move, they manipulate their owner and deter him; which makes them common in pet shops.

According to the scientific classification, the birds of love belong to one group called Agapornis. This group includes nine species, each of which has a name that expresses the colour of the feathers, such as the bird of love orange face, and under each of these species strains; each has its different appearance For other species, for example, the following species fall under the lovebird: Pied Lovebird, Violet Lovebird, Dutch Blue Lovebird, Normal Peachface Lovebird), and orange face (English Orangeface Lovebird), all of which belong to the same species. It is not advisable to raise the birds of love to allow them to mate with other species; each species must be kept alone, if birds of different species together, may give birth to a sterile chick, or genes are not healthy compared to the chicks that come from the mating of birds of the same kind.

How to make love birds

There is a need for a variety of healthy foods, such as the available seed mixtures available in the markets, After that, male and female lovebirds should be selected. They may be of the same type. The distinction between male and female animals may be a bit difficult, so it is necessary to analyze the blood of an expert to make sure. Of between males and females: the female birds love a little larger than the male, her bones introduce basin.

Format the cage

It is necessary to combine the nest and the two species together and leave them naturally but to provide a cage as large and as large as possible for them, and it is necessary after mating a box that the birds can build their nest in it; the construction of the nest is very important for the care of their young, and because birds need to adopt nests, Pets can be bought and placed in the cage, and the birds themselves will take care to collect and build a nest. It is best to continue placing the nest material even after laying the eggs so that the parents can restore and expand their nest.

Mating and laying eggs

It is possible to know the time when mating begins when the male begins to feed the female. The mating ritual may take a long time, repeated several times a day, and the female is likely to lay her first egg after mating from three to ten days. Will continue to lay an egg daily, leaving between four and six eggs.  Throughout the egg-laying and incubation period, the birds of love must be provided with high-quality food and a reasonable amount of sunlight. The parents will take care of their eggs, The eggs are examined, and this may be a curse Among other things: lack of good food for parents, low fertility, and disease.

The eggs continue to incubate their eggs for a period of 22-25 days after birth. The eggs are then cooked, and small chicks are hatched. The chick may need 24 hours to fully penetrate and exit the eggs. In this process, it is unnecessary; it may cause a real risk to the chicks. The parents then continue to care for the young chicks until they grow older; they die after about two months of hatching and need to get hard food.

Care for love birds

Birds of love Pets are easy to take care of because they are very similar to parrots, but their size is much smaller, so the requirements are less. Birds of love tend to play for long periods of time, up to hours of continuous play, and the forms of play they love hanging upside down in the cage parts, rotating objects, dancing over the owner's shoulder, and the tendency to pull and grab things. These birds are intelligent; they are always able to come in ways To escape from her cage, so you have to close it well, as you try to fly at home, and imitate some sounds from time to time, and she likes to accompany each other; so it is advisable to buy two of them instead of one, in the absence of the possibility to spend a lot of time with them.

When buying pairs of love birds, there are several observations to be checked; to pick the birds healthy and strong structure, the most important: to be the form of feathers organized, and body healthy condition with a good written guarantee, in addition to examining the bird well; to ensure that he eats and comes out in a way And is not suffering from any kind of disease, preferably from a shop owner who cares about his or her diet, to provide them with good food, to keep them insufficiently clean and spacious places, and to have a veterinarian with a license to care for his animals.

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